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Entry into clinical anesthesia training is contingent upon successful completion of an internship year. An internal medicine or transitional internship or a PGY-1 year in any of several specialties is acceptable, consistent with the requirements of the American Board of Anesthesiology.

Our PGY-1 program is based in the Departments of Medicine at the University of Chicago Medicine and NorthShore University Health System. We have designed a program that takes advantage of the strengths of these institutions for a year of broad-based experience. The program incorporates extensive critical care experience at the University of Chicago Medicine and the NorthShore University Evanston campus. Interns have a selection of medicine rotations at both hospitals, including cardiology, pulmonology, general medicine, hematology/oncology, and gastroenterology. One of the unique features of our categorical internship is a rotation on the Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery service. This rotation offers an early experience with airway management from a surgical perspective to complement future experience during the clinical anesthesia years. Interns have had the opportunity to actively participate as assistant surgeons in airway procedures such as open tracheostomies.

Each year, 8 four-year (categorical) positions are available through the Match, which includes a PGY-1 year. In addition, 10 three-year (supplemental) positions are available through the Match. Applying and interviewing for internships that accompany our supplemental positions are the sole responsibility of the applicant.